How do we call or make a country resilient? Resilient is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from a difficult situation or crisis. Do we call Philippines a resilient country? Us people sometimes find it easy and hard to recover from a situation or problem, is it the same for our country?

Every year we face lots of difficult problems, we face natural disasters, accidents, calamities, and now the ongoing pandemic Covid-19. At first, lots of Filipinos panic and worry about this virus spreading throughout the world, but slowly and surely we act and recover from this growing pandemic. As an individual we have different views and solutions to these kinds of problems. But as citizens within the same country we can choose to help each other to further recover from the problems we face. But for a country to be resilient we need a strong and dependable leader to guide us to these problems.

Lots of times Philippines has recovered from different crisis and calamities, like typhoons and other different calamities mostly because of the coordination of the citizens and the government leading us. With this the country can withstand any problems and crisis.

photo retrieved from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2020%2F05%2F15%2Fworld%2Fasia%2Ftyphoon-vongfong-philippines-luzon.html&psig=AOvVaw3bNRqrkQ8oJ-nk-rWJYwvK&ust=1605245375366000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKiD57-j_OwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAQ

Mga Komento

  1. I agree that coordination is the strongest weapon in any battle we face. It's our choice to help one another and fight as a nation towards a more resilient country. Furthermore, I love your insights in this topic. Nice work, Adrian!

  2. I agree with your statement. Nothing beats a country with coordination. Your blog is an eye-opener. Congrats!

  3. I agree with your statement. Nothing beats a country with coordination. Your blog is an eye-opener. Congrats!


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